anyways. the other day we did some lunging over some trotting poles to stretch out her back since she has a sore back a lot of the time after she's ridden, and generally just to tune her up. so we did that for a while then I hopped on and decided that we'd practice using/reacting to aids and what not. it was a pretty good ride to say the least! she got a little bored in the end and wanted to trot over the poles (holy unbalanced) but she was pretty good.
the next day I hopped on her sister Fiesta who is a classically trained dressage horse who is owned by the same owner. let's just say I have a lottttt more respect for dressage riders. coming from hunter jumper land, I never realized how much of everything dressage riders use. needless to say I'm extremely sore but I had a pretty good ride. it was a little difficult for me to understand what i was supposed to be doing at first but I think I got the hang of it generally well. I hope.
thanks for checking out the blog! I'll leave you until next time with a picture or two of the pretty girl Evy.
I'm Lauren, and I'm also a weenie with an ottb :)